Corporate Mission, Action Guidelines, Action Standards
Corporate Mission
We work closely and flexibly with you,
as your lifetime partner,
to help you enjoy sweeter living.

Action Guidelines
Our Action Guidelines
- Bringing happiness to people and society -
- Pioneer spirit
- We seek new paths, free of past expectations or stereotypes.
- New every day
- We aim to renew of our best performance, each and every day.
- Diversity and inclusion
- We respect different values and each person's unique individuality.
- Safety and trust
- We give top priority to safety and security and nurture people's trust.
- Integrity and appreciation
- We show our appreciation through sincerity in words and actions.
- Think happiness
- We question what happiness is and turn answers into actions.
Action Standards
At Mitsui DM group pursuing our corporate mission to "work closely and flexibly with you, as your lifetime partner, to help you enjoy sweeter living" is the challenge for each and every one of us. We aim to be the Group that always gives thanks to nature as the source of our business, that delivers nature's blessings widely to people in various forms, and which is always helpful towards a future of greater happiness. We comply with the following action standards.
- (1) The creation of new value and a pioneer spirit
- We will accept the expectations of society with a sense of humility, employ ingenuity in our products and services, and create new value through innovation. We will also take on new challenges with high aspirations and passion unfazed by past expectations or stereotypes as we seek new paths.
- (2) Compliance and integrity
- With an awareness of being a member of the international community, we will observe the laws and regulations of each country and region in which we operate, and take appropriate steps to develop in-house regulations. We fully recognize the corporate ethics required of the Group, and will act with fairness and integrity by demonstrating the moderation, decency and responsibility of a member of society.
- (3) Respect for human rights
- We will respect human rights as well as the cultures, customs and languages of the countries and regions in which we operate. We eschew discrimination or harassment on the groups of race, creed, religion, gender, social status, nationality or otherwise, and will not engage in child labor, forced labor or other practices leading to human rights violations.
- (4) Diversity
- We understand that it is a gathering of diverse human resources that enables the creation of new value; we will respect the individuality, values and diversity of each person, and cooperate with one another. We will also create a fulfilling workplace environment in which each person can reach their full potential.
- (5) Occupational Safety
- We recognize that the safety and health of each person is the major premise that takes precedence over all corporate activities, and will make every effort to ensure and continually improve the Group's occupational health and safety system. We will also develop a pleasant and comfortable workplace environment that takes the health, safety and wellbeing of people into account.
- (6) Ensuring quality that offers safety and security
- We strive to maintain and improve quality by putting safety and security first, and appropriately display and disclose information related to our products and services. We will also make every effort to prevent quality issues and trouble on a regular basis, and in the event of issue affecting the safety of our products or services, we will take swift and appropriate action and strive to investigate the cause and prevent repeat occurrences.
- (7) Environmental conservation
- We recognize that initiatives to address environmental issues are a shared challenge for humanity and a necessary condition for the sustained growth of society. We will focus our efforts on reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable use through the effective utilization of resources, prevention of global warming, preservation of biodiversity and other initiatives.
- (8) Social contribution
- We will create value and employment that is beneficial to society through our business activities, and make the sustained development of the economy and society the primary focus of our social contribution activities. We will also actively take part in local communities and contribute to their develop as a good corporate citizen.
- (9) Fair and transparent trade
- We maintain healthy relationships with our customers and business partners, engage in fair and transparent trade through free competition, and undertake responsible procurement. We thoroughly understand and comply with laws, regulations and rules such as antimonopoly legislation in each country and region. Moreover, we do not abuse superior bargaining positions and do not engage in practices that are detrimental to our business partners.
- (10) Prohibition of bribery and corruption, etc.
- We will act sensibly, and not engage in inappropriate gifting, business entertainment or monetary offerings with respect to customers or business partners. In addition, we will not provide gifts, entertainment, money or any other benefits that would constitute bribery through whatever methods to Japanese or overseas public officials, and will maintain healthy and normal relationships with government and administrative entities.
- (11) Prohibition of transactions involving conflict of interest
- When we or our relatives have a financial interest in a customer or business partner, or if we are invested in our otherwise tied to a competitor or enterprise with whom the Company does business, we will promptly report the matter to a supervisor or related department and carefully act in accordance with their instructions.
- (12) Protection of information and intellectual property rights
- We will thoroughly ensure the appropriate management of company assets, corporate information, personal information and other such information, and endeavor to prevent that information from being falsified, leaked or otherwise improperly handled. We will also respect the intellectual property rights of other parties, and observe laws, regulations and our own internal rules to ensure that our products and services to not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.
- (13) Timely disclosure of information and prevention of insider trading
- We will disclose information regarding our business activities in a timely and appropriate fashion, and not leak important undisclosed information of the Group or other companies learned in the course of business. In addition, we will not engage in the insider trading of shares or other financial instruments personally, through family members, or through other individuals.
- (14) Severing all ties with antisocial forces
- We will not respond to any unreasonable demands from antisocial forces or groups, and take a resolute stance to thoroughly ensure that all ties with antisocial forces are severed. In addition, we will avoid all involvement with terrorism, money laundering and other organized crime, and take care to ensure that the Company is not used for these crimes.
- (15) Crisis management
- When a threat such as terrorism, cyber attack, natural disaster or epidemic materializes, we will prioritize safeguarding the physical wellbeing and lives of people, act to minimize damages, and thoroughly engage in systematic crisis management on a regular basis.
- (16) Prohibition of disadvantageous treatment and retaliation
- We will strive to prevent improper conduct, and will not tolerate disadvantageous treatment or retaliation against those who have faithfully consulted over, reported or cooperated with investigations into improper conduct. We will also strictly protect the privacy of those who have consulted, reported or cooperated with investigations into such conduct.
- (17) Communication with stakeholders
- We recognize our role and mission through dialogue with stakeholders and will meet their expectations in this regard. Additionally, we will coordinate with and build relationships of trust with stakeholders with the aim of achieving sustainable development in partnership with them.
- (18) Building and operating an appropriate governance system
- We will clarify our responsibilities, and build and operate a fair, transparent and effective Group governance system. We will also strive to further enhance corporate value through efforts such as speeding up decision making under a functional management organization.
Management will take the initiative in implementing these standards of conduct, recognize its own mission in ensuring the standards take root and are observed by each employee, and will work to broadly and thoroughly disseminate them. Additionally, if any matters that violate these standards occur, management will take responsibility for resolving those matters, make every effort to investigate the cause and prevent recurrences, and take appropriate disciplinary action based on internal regulations, including those which affect management itself.